'It has been such a wonderful time of singing together and really getting stuck into the most beautiful piece of music.'

Frome Voices Singer
'An immaculate performance tonight, full of wonderful interpretation - very moving.’

Audience member

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Watch this space for an update on our Autumn 2022 concert!
Watch this space for an update on our Autumn 2022 concert!
Frome Voices
Alan Burgess conductor
tbc baritone
Liz Kozlowski pianist
- Sunday 13 November 2022, 3.00pm
- Christ Church, Christ Church St. West, Frome BA11 1EH
- Tickets £tbc on the door (or from choir members)
Concert Information
Frome Voices’ autumn concert will, in part, be a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of renowned and prolific English composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams. Our programme includes his profound and wonderful ‘Five Mystical Songs’ for choir and baritone soloist.
The full programme will follow shortly so do check back soon!
'It has been such a wonderful time of singing together and really getting stuck into the most beautiful piece of music.'

Frome Voices Singer